Friday, September 01, 2006

Crafting Goals for September

There was a forum entry on Etsy that related to September goals. Having just started my store about a month ago, I didn't have a list of goals. I just mainly wanted to get the store up and running, with fun items to share with others. Now, that is well underway, and I can think and achieve other goals.

My list for September is as follows:
  • make my second sale (and perhaps more!).
  • finish my daughter's afghan so I can start on my sister's since both need to be done for Christmas presents.
  • add more items to my store, hopefully 4-5 new listings per week.
  • create a promotional package.
  • start Christmas shopping.
  • craft more.
  • hand out more business cards, now that I finally have some professionally printed.


MamaMin said...

Good luck with your goals - I need to work on some of the same ones, too!

Tracie said...

Thanks! Goals are a great way to stay focused.